Muy buenas a todos y bienvenidos un día mas a mi pequeño blog,
hoy como ya es habitual por estas latitudes de vez en cuando vamos a hablar un poquito de linternas en este caso de dos de las nuevas linternas que los chicos de Nitecore me enviaron hace un tiempo y estoy teniendo la oportunidad de utilizar en mis salidas nocturnas.
Hello everybody and welcome one more day to my little blog,
today as usual for these latitudes, from time to time we will talk about little flashlights, in this case of two of the new flashlights that the boys of Nitecore sent me a while ago and I am having the chance to use in my night outings.
Se trata de las Nitecore MT42 y MH40GTR, dos linternas diseñadas para iluminar a largas distancias con un "reducido" tamaño y un único led emisor y alimentadas por baterías recargables 18650.
These are the Nitecore MT42 and MH40GTR both two flashlights designed to illuminate over long distances with a "reduced" size and a single emitting LED and powered by 18650 rechargeable batteries.
Diseñadas especialmente para iluminar a largas distancias son ideales para labores de búsqueda y rescate, o para iluminar objetos a distancias muy lejanas. Pueden parecer similares en cuanto a su construcción pero la verdad es que su forma de iluminar es algo distinta la una de la otra.
Specially designed to illuminate over long distances, they are ideal for search and rescue work, or to illuminate objects at very distant distances. They may seem similar in terms of construction, but the truth is that their way of lighting is somewhat different from each other.
Vamos a comenzar con la "pequeña" de las 2, la Mt42.
Let's start with the "little" of 2 Mt42.
Construida en aluminio y con 22,8cm de largo alberga en su reflector un led CREE XHP35 HD
alimentado por dos baterías 18650, es capaz de emitir 1800 lumens (en modo turbo) a una distancia de 470 metros.
Built in aluminum and 22.8cm long, it has a CREE XHP35 HD LED powered by two 18650 batteries, capable of emitting 1800 lumens (in turbo mode) at a distance of 470 meters.
Como podéis comprender, semejante descarga de energía genera una considerable cantidad de calor que se disipa gracias al diseño ranurado de la cabeza de la linterna que ayuda a la refrigeración y conservación de la vida útil del emisor led. Si os fijáis en las imágenes, tiene un botón en su cabezal y otro en la parte trasera del tubo que nos permitirán acceder a los diferentes modos de potencia como a los modos especiales. Cuenta con protección IPX8 lo que la hace resistente a inmersiones de hasta 2 metros y a caídas desde 1m de altura.
As you can understand, such a discharge of energy generates a considerable amount of heat that dissipates thanks to the shaved design of the head of the flashlight that helps the cooling and conservation of the life of the LED emitter. As you can see in the images, it has a button on its head and another on the back of the tube that will allow us to access the different power modes as well as the special modes. It has IPX8 protection which makes it resistant to dives up to 2 meters and falls from 1m high.
Suelo utilizarla para iluminar objetos a media distancia, ya que a diferencia de la MH40GTR su haz de luz es algo mas abierto cubriendo mas superficie a la hora de iluminar y dejando menos "parches" en la zona iluminada.
I usually use it to illuminate objects at a medium distance, since unlike the MH40GTR its beam of light is somewhat more open covering more surface at the time of lighting and leaving less patches in the illuminated area.
Canon Eos 5D MkIII
Samyang 14mm
Iso 800
Iluminada con Nitecore MT42
Canon Eos 5D MkIII
Samyang 14mm
Iso 500
Iluminado con Nitecore Nitecore Mt42
Now we go with the MH40GTR.
Construida en aluminio de grado aéreo y con 25,7 cm de largo cuenta con un reflector de 70mm de diámetro para albergar su emisor led CREE XP-L HI V3 alimentado por dos baterías recargables 18650, es capaz de catapultar 1200 lumens a una distancia máxima de 1004m, también equipa un pequeño difusor de temperatura para prolongar la vida del led pero a decir verdad, esta linterna desprende mucho menos que la MT42. A diferencia de su "rival" esta solo cuenta con un único botón trasero para encender y apagar el led, con un anillo ubicado en la sección baja del reflector que mediante su giro tendremos acceso al puerto de carga DC. Mediante el giro de su tubo principal, podremos seleccionar si nuestra linterna opera solamente con el modo turbo o por el contrario utiliza un patrón cíclico de todos sus modos (baja, media y alta potencia strobo y S.O.S) . Sin embargo, al igual que su "rival" cuenta con protección IPX8 que nos permite sumergirla a una profundidad de 2 metros y la hace resiente a impactos y caídas desde 1m.
Built in aerial grade aluminum and 25.7 cm long, it has a 70mm diameter reflector to house its CREE XP-L HI V3 led emitter powered by two rechargeable 18650 batteries, is able to catapult 1200 lumens at a maximum distance of 1004m, it also equips a small temperature diffuser to prolong the life of the led but in truth, this flashlight gives off much less than the MT42. Unlike its "rival", it only has a single rear button to turn on and off the LED, with a ring located in the lower section of the reflector that, by turning it, we will have access to the DC charging port. Measuring the rotation of its main tube we can select whether our flashlight operates only with the turbo mode or on the contrary it uses a cyclical pattern of all its modes (low, medium and high power strobo and S.O.S). Like its "rival" it has IPX8 protection that allows us to immerse it to a depth of 2 meters and makes it resistant to impacts and falls from 1m.
Built in aerial grade aluminum and 25.7 cm long, it has a 70mm diameter reflector to house its CREE XP-L HI V3 led emitter powered by two rechargeable 18650 batteries, is able to catapult 1200 lumens at a maximum distance of 1004m, it also equips a small temperature diffuser to prolong the life of the led but in truth, this flashlight gives off much less than the MT42. Unlike its "rival", it only has a single rear button to turn on and off the LED, with a ring located in the lower section of the reflector that, by turning it, we will have access to the DC charging port. Measuring the rotation of its main tube we can select whether our flashlight operates only with the turbo mode or on the contrary it uses a cyclical pattern of all its modes (low, medium and high power strobo and S.O.S). Like its "rival" it has IPX8 protection that allows us to immerse it to a depth of 2 meters and makes it resistant to impacts and falls from 1m.
A diferencia de la MT42 esta linterna está diseñada para iluminar objetos muy lejanos, y es exclusivamente para lo que la utilizo, ya que si intentamos iluminar con ella objetos a una corta o media distancia aparecerá en nuestra fotografía ese molesto círculo de luz concentrada que podremos evitar usándola para lo que fue construida, las largas distancias. También la suelo utilizar para proyectar su potente chorro de luz directo al cielo y conseguir ese efecto "espada láser" tan vistoso en algunas de nuestras fotografías.
Unlike the MT42 this flashlight is designed to illuminate very distant objects, and it is exclusively for what I use it, since if we try to illuminate with it objects at a short or medium distance, that annoying circle of concentrated light will appear in our photograph, that we can avoid using it for what was built, the long distances. I also use it to project its powerful jet of light directly to the sky and get that laser sword; effect so colorful in some of our photographs.
Canon Eos 5DMkIII
Samyang 14mm
Iso 1250
iluminado con Nitecore MH40GTR
Canon Eos 5D
Samyang 14mm
Iso 1600
iluminado con Nitecore MH40GTR
¡¡Un saludo y nos vemos en la noche!!
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